
Joanne Haroutounian has been active in the field of gifted education for over 30 years, with specialized expertise in the areas of music and arts talent identification. Her research in musical talent identification led to the publication of Kindling the Spark: Recognizing and Developing Musical Talent published by Oxford University Press in 2002. She has written numerous articles in professional journals in the gifted field (refer to list of publications) and has lectured and presented seminars across the United States, and in Canada, Korea and Singapore.

She has developed an Arts Curriculum offered through Royal Fireworks Press which includes three volumes:

Contact Dr. Haroutounian for discussion of fees for workshops, seminars and coursework.

"Think Like an Artist" Workshop Activity Videos

Video Descriptions:

  • In the Palm of My Hand

    Exploring blind contour drawing - careful observation of details without looking at the drawing that is being produced.
  • News Documentary Sculpture

    Creating a sculpture interpreting reactions to a current news item in the newspaper, incorporating the newspaper as one medium used in the sculpture.
  • Keep It to a Minimum

    Creating a movement improvisation inspired by minimalist music.
  • Dance Factory

    Isolate movements repeatedly in different parts of the body, working with others tp create a dance factory machine.

Gifted/Talented Publications
Gifted/Talented Workshops
Kjos Brochure of Dr Haroutounian's Publications
Chapters, Articles, and Lectures